




Some men are miserable losers while other men get to live the highest quality of life there are no excuses for the losers in life we all bleed the same color and we all have same 24 hours in a day so what makes the big difference? The answer is habits the little things you do each day determines the kind of man you are unfortunately, most of us get programmed with habits and routines without consciously choosing them we fall into patterns of behaviour. 

That Stunt Our Growth And Prevent Us From Being The Man We Want To Be You Are Programmed To Work, Consume And Die Like A Little Flea But If You are watching this, it is clear you are not average and you are looking to improve yourself here are .....habits that ever man needs in hospital life. 

1: Take Control Of Your Morning 

Every morning you have 2 choices continue dreaming or wake up and chase your dreams most people choose to continue dreaming and when they do wake up they grab their phone and start watching other people this is the loser mentality after you wake up I encourage you to devote the frist 2 hours of your day to yourself invest that time I activities that will improve your life things like worrying out, reading, journaling or working on a side hustle will all help you grow. 

To become to man you want to be the morning is the time to work on yourself and your goals if you finish the most challenging tasks early, the rest Of The Day Will Feel Like A Breeze Start You Morning Like A Hungry Beast That Will Destroy Everything In His Way Ro Get Closer To His Goals. 

2: Limit Your Availability 

If you are available to everything all the time you are not a man with a purpose but a clown stop making yourself easily available for people who don't prioritise you you can't become a high value man if everyone can use your time whenever they want no only will you get closer to your goals by using your time more wisely, people will also start to respect you more for it listen to this the sun can only be appreciated by it's absence the longer the days of rain, the more the sun is craved. 

But too many hot days and the sun overwhelms if you live in a place where it is sunny all the time, it becomes easy to take the sun granted do not play foolish mindgames and just pretend to be unavailable instead make sure you are not available all the time, because you value your time and your mission. 

3: Be Decision 

Low tier men are indecisive while high preforming men make s decision and take action the decisive person always has the edge in the time it takes an indecisive person to analyse every option available the decisive person has made a decision, acted on it and made an adjustment if needed they are ahead you must be decisive it's like a "secret" power being confident enough to make a decision without knowing that it's going to be 100% correct, takes guys but the "secret" is that even if you make the wrong decision. 

You can always make a change to become a high value man you needed to understand what I'm about to say next "information is power" is an often qouted phrase while there truth to it, too much information can hurt you if you're spending too much time consuming information, thinking and planning it means you're spending less time doing so stop information gathering decide once when you make a decision stick it an OK decision with firm resolve is much more powerful than a great decision that you are wishy-washy about just decide and don't look back.  

Unless the fact on the ground change significantly decide fast when face with a decision, your goal is to decide as quickly as is reasonably possible most decision can be made much faster than we usually give them the best way to get better at making decision is simply to make more decision and learn form them not by overanalysing and tormenting yourself to make the perfect one. 

4: Choosing The Right Sacrifices

There are always sacrifices being made it doesn't matter whether you like it or not if you are not willing to sacrifice for your dream, then your dream will become the sacrifice you may think you are just playing some video games in the middle of the night and you aren't sacrificing anything but the reality is that you are sacrificing your potential high value men know what to sacrifice this doesn't mean you can't enjoy your life anymore you may have to sacrifice some hobby's for a period of time. 

Until you reach success here is the truth low tier men only want instant gratification I want you to be honest with yourself are there thing you are not sacrificing even though you should ? You may have to cut off a group of friends that are doing nothing with their lives maybe you party too much or are spending too much time on social media whatever it is know this sacrifices are not meant to be easy especially if you are a young man that does not want to miss out on the fun.  

The fun will not be worth it in the end when you wasted your potential remember that you could spend that same time becoming rich, strong and excel in life I've said that life as a man is hard multiple times on this channel that is true, but do not misunderstand it there is another side to that coin as A Man You Have The Potential To Build Yourself Up To The Highest Of Levels You Can Reach A Caliber Where Women Desire You And Men Admire You Make Sure you make the right sacrifices. 

5: Have Discipline 

Every habits that has been discussed in this video so far turns into worthless garbage if you lack discipline everyone knows the importance of discipline yet most people still fail at having discipline you might be listening to this right now and think to yourself that this is obvious once again, knowing about discipline and actually apply it are 2 different things be honest with yourself do you lack discipline in some area's in your life ? And how would you rate.  

Your Discipline From A Scale Of 1 To 10? The going news is that anyone can develop this skill and its quite simple too do things each and every day you know you need to do whether you feel like it or not start by getting out of bed when you wake up instead of staying in go to the gym and do not be afraid to jump in a cold shower self-discipline allow you to stay focused on your goal it enables you to stay in control of yourself and of your reaction to any situation self-discipline is like a muscle.  

The stronger you become lack of self-discipline can cause low self-esteem you can't reach the highest points of life with low self esteem on the contrary, people will see you as a prey when you lack self esteem building your discipline daily and fight against your inear weakness this is the only way to make all the habits work this is the only way to make all of your habits work by the way if you want to level up in life don't forget to show some love by hitting the like and subscribe button until next time. 

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